Your site selection methodology might be busted
If you score sites linearly, you're probably making a mistake
Getting married or launching a store?
How getting married convinced me 1REC is the answer to some of the industry's problems
AI adoption in CRE is a lot like GIS adoption's a soap pump shoved into a bar of soap
Top 5 most profitable NYC neighborhoods
(According to ChatGPT)
"Why I Built This": Wynwood & Coconut Grove in Miami
The Miami MSA is one of the toughest markets to crack
"Why I Built This": The Shay in Washington DC [Bonobos]
How leveraging e-com data led to one of the most profitable stores in the fleet
Get off the promo crack!
4 charts to quantify whether promotions are actually killing your business
Attend The Lead's Innovation Summit for FREE!
Free for brands and retailers: July 10-11
Wholesale might be cannibalizing your business
...and you probably don't even know it!
Why retailers should use CBSAs and MSAs
There’s a book called “Prisoners of Geography” by Tim Marshall that describes how “every nation’s choices are limited by mountains, rivers, seas and concrete. Since then, the geography hasn’t changed. But the world has.” He has since published a sequel called “The Power of Geography” that explores ten regions that are set to shape global…...
Enigmas in DTC markets: NYC, LA, and Miami
How these markets are different from the rest, and how to maximize your potential in each One of the many themes in the Clicks to Bricks Playbook is the consistency of patterns in DTC brands’ data Ironically, one of the many consistencies across brands is the inconsistency of consumer behavior in a few key MSAs: These are…...
Strategies for different landlord archetypes
Understanding landlords' motivations can help your deal-making efforts
Visualize your e-commerce data (for free)
Step by step process using exclusively free tools
How to lose a deal in 10 ways
10 things that often lead to a dead deal
30 signs your retail program or aspirations needs some help
If you hear/see/think any of these signs, then you're in trouble...